En betongforsegler er viktig for å beskytte overflater mot vannskader forårsaket av fryse / tine sykluser, flekker fra smuss, avisning av salter, olje og andre forurensninger og mye mer. Så hvis du nettopp har installert drømmenes dekorative betongmesterverk, må du sørge for at det blir forseglet.
En god betonggulvforsegler vil:
• Forleng levetiden til et gulv
• Berik og bevar dets utseende
• Sørg for motstand mot skrubber og flekker
• Forhindre fuktproblemer
A concrete sealer is essential for protecting surfaces from water damage caused by freeze/thaw cycles, stains from dirt, deicing salts, oil and other contaminants, and much more. So, if you’ve just installed the decorative concrete masterpiece of your dreams, make sure it gets sealed.
A good concrete floor sealer will:
• Prolong the life of a floor
• Enrich and preserve its appearance
• Provide resistance to scuffs and stains
• Prevent moisture problems
Ofte spørsmål om betongimpregnering
What surfaces should I seal?
Exterior concrete in any region subject to freeze-thaw cycles should be sealed. In other regions, concrete should be sealed for specific purposes such as stain repellence, dust reduction, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance or to maintain an attractive appearance.
Hvilke overflater skal jeg tette?
Utvendig betong i ethvert område som er utsatt for fryse-tine sykluser, skal forsegles. I andre regioner bør betong forsegles for spesifikke formål som beisekvalitet, støvreduksjon, slitestyrke, kjemisk resistens eller for å opprettholde et attraktivt utseende.
What happens if I don’t seal my concrete?
Concrete is a porous material that readily absorbs liquids. In freeze-thaw climates, the expansion of frozen liquids can destroy the surface of unsealed concrete. Oil, salt, fertilizer, and other household chemicals can discolor and damage unsealed concrete.
Hva skjer hvis jeg ikke tetter betongen min?
Betong er et porøst materiale som lett absorberer væsker. I frys-tine klima kan utvidelse av frosne væsker ødelegge overflaten til uforseglet betong. Olje, salt, gjødsel og andre husholdningskjemikalier kan misfarge og skade uforseglet betong.
How long will my sealer last?
Because they penetrate the concrete, reactive chemical sealers will last the longest and generally only wear away if the substrate surface itself wears away, which maybe 10 years or longer.
Hvor lenge vil forsegleren min vare?
Fordi de trenger inn i betongen, vil reaktive kjemiske forseglere vare lengst og slites generelt bare hvis underlagets overflate slites bort, som kanskje er 10 år eller lenger.
Will sealer make my concrete slippery?
Reactive penetrating sealers generally have little effect upon the concrete surface profile or traction.
Vil forsegler gjøre betongen glatt?
Reaktive gjennomtrengende tetninger har generelt liten effekt på betongens overflateprofil eller trekkraft.
How will my sealed surface look?
That all depends on the type of sealer you apply. Most chemically reactive sealers are nearly invisible because they penetrate into the concrete. Solvent-based acrylic resin sealers and epoxies provide significant color enhancement and give concrete a high-gloss wet look. Water-based acrylic resin sealers provide moderate color enhancement and a satin appearance. Urethanes (generally applied as topcoat over epoxy) are available in a wide range of finishes, from matte to gloss. Many sealers can also be colored with translucent or opaque tints.
Hvordan vil min forseglede overflate se ut?
Alt avhenger av hvilken type tetningsmasse du bruker. De fleste kjemisk reaktive forseglere er nesten usynlige fordi de trenger inn i betongen. Løsemiddelbaserte akrylharpiksforseglere og epoksyer gir betydelig fargeforbedring og gir betong et høyglans vått utseende. Vannbaserte akrylharpiksforseglere gir moderat fargeforbedring og et satengutseende. Uretaner (vanligvis brukt som toppstrøk over epoksy) er tilgjengelige i et bredt spekter av finish, fra matt til glans. Mange tetninger kan også farges med gjennomskinnelige eller ugjennomsiktige fargetoner.
Krakeleringer er utviklingen av et nettverk av fine tilfeldige sprekker eller sprekker på overflaten av betong eller mørtel forårsaket av krymping av overflatelaget.
Crazing is the development of a network of fine random cracks or fissures on the surface of concrete or mortar caused by shrinkage of the surface layer. These cracks are rarely more than 3 mm deep and are more noticeable on steeltroweled surfaces. The irregular hexagonal areas enclosed by the cracks are typically no more than 40 mm across and may be as small as 20 mm in unusual instances. Generally, crazing cracks develop at an early age and are apparent the day after placement or at least by the end of the first week. Often they are not readily visible until the surface has been wetted and it is beginning to dry out. Crazing cracks are sometimes referred to as shallow map or pattern cracking. They do not affect the structural integrity of concrete and rarely do they affect durability or wear resistance.
Hva du skal gjøre?
Sprekkens dybde kan ikke være kjent før arbeidet er utført. Du kan imidlertid starte med å slipe 2 mm (Gras A eller Gras B).
Concrete floor makes every room cooler
Though concrete floors may be associated with cold, industrial spaces (or at their worst, creepy warehouse storage units). In fact, concrete floors can be surprisingly homey, inviting, and warm, all the while offering an edgy twang and modern grit that makes them undeniably cool. Best, they’re incredibly durable and super easy to clean.
Polished concrete is fast becoming the ultimate no-wax flooring material. With the proper floor polishing equipment and experience, contractors can grind concrete floor surfaces, whether new or old, to a high-gloss finish that never needs waxes or coatings. Factor in the superior durability and performance of concrete, and it’s no wonder why more retail, commercial warehouse and office facilities, and even homeowners are catching on to the appeal of these smooth, high-luster floors.
High Durability.
Polished concrete flooring is extremely strong and resilient and is able to withstand the pressure from very heavy foot traffic and equipment. It is very difficult to damage and is nearly impossible to chip or scratch.
A properly installed, sealed and maintained polished concrete floor can be expected to last a hundred years or more in even the harshest commercial environments. Its life-span will also far surpass that of other floor coverings, such as carpeting, vinyl tile and wood laminates. That means in the long run you can save money because you’ll never need to remove and replace worn or damaged flooring.
Easy to Maintain.
Polished concrete flooring is relatively easy to maintain. You just have to dust mop or broom sweep daily to prevent dirt accumulation. You should also damp mop it weekly to remove smudging, scuffs, and water marks, and restore gloss. Depending on your polished concrete floor finish, you may have additional maintenance requirements.
Properly finished and sealed concrete can be virtually resistant to fluids, especially water. Coatings can provide waterproof barriers that seal the concrete and prevent contaminants from actually getting to the concrete. Some coatings can also provide anti-microbial protection. And high quality concrete flooring shouldn’t have cracks or crevice in the surface that can trap food and dirt and harbor bacteria.
Any concrete surface can be slippery especially in moist environments or areas prone to spills, but, it can also be sealed with a non-slip epoxy coating to add texture and prevent falls and injuries.
A non-sealed concrete floor is porous, although, concrete floors can be sealed with a chemical-resistant epoxy coating to protect them against extreme chemicals (alkalis and acids) and corrosion.
Thermal Shock-Resistant.
Thermal shock-resistant coatings can be applied to concrete flooring to ensure that disbondment, delamination, cracks, bubbles and other deterioration does not occur if your floors are subjected to very hot water or steam washes.
Static Dissipative.
An unsealed concrete floor often exhibits antistatic tendencies, although, they are dependent upon the floor’s moisture levels, making it unreliable. Anti-static coatings can be applied to concrete flooring to ensure static discharge doesn’t cause damage to static sensitive equipment.
Concrete floors do not contain harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) like hardwood floors, vinyl carpets and synthetic carpets.