Krakeleringer i betonggulv.
Krakeleringer er utviklingen av et nettverk av fine tilfeldige sprekker eller sprekker på overflaten av betong eller mørtel forårsaket av krymping av overflatelaget.
Crazing is the development of a network of fine random cracks or fissures on the surface of concrete or mortar caused by shrinkage of the surface layer. These cracks are rarely more than 3 mm deep and are more noticeable on steeltroweled surfaces. The irregular hexagonal areas enclosed by the cracks are typically no more than 40 mm across and may be as small as 20 mm in unusual instances. Generally, crazing cracks develop at an early age and are apparent the day after placement or at least by the end of the first week. Often they are not readily visible until the surface has been wetted and it is beginning to dry out. Crazing cracks are sometimes referred to as shallow map or pattern cracking. They do not affect the structural integrity of concrete and rarely do they affect durability or wear resistance.