
Mikrosement på gulv våtrom, bad, kjøkken, gulv, vegg, entre, garasje, peis mm.

Å gi de gamle gulvene og veggene et nytt utseende er nå mulig og innen kort tid, og unngår irriterende og dyre rivningsarbeider

Mikrosement gjør det mulig å belegge hele overflatene uten å rive eksisterende overflater.

Legger du mikrosement, får du ingen fuger. Men den viktigste egenskapen er at mikrosement motvirker sopp og mugg og gir en slitesterkt og vanntett overflate som samtidig er lett å holde ren. Dessuten får du en moderne stil som er det siste innenfor boligtrendene.


Mikrosement på gulv på bad

Design din egen mikrosementfinish

mikrosement på gulv på bad


Ingen grunn til å fjerne gamle fliser. Et sømløst gulv er lettere å rengjøre.

Design mikrosemnt på gulv på bad


Mikrosement bad gulv


gulv bad mikrosement


mikrosement på badet
Mikrosement på bad gulv og vegg
mikrosement på Kjøkken
mikrosement trapp
mikrosement gulv
Benkeplate med mikrosement

Typer av mikrosementbehandling og hvor de skal brukes

overflate mikrosement

Det kan være kromatiske forskjeller på grunn av oppløsningen og kalibreringen av skjermene, samt den spesielle mikrosemenefinishen.


Fordeler med mikrosement

The lack of seams and joints means that MicroCement works well from room to room creating a flawless continuum of colour. Equally, in a period home, MicroCement can be used to create a rustic and artisan feel in warm, terracotta colours with a distressed and textured finish producing an aged effect in keeping with vintage styling and decoration.

The totally seamless finish creates an almost millpond effect that really draws the eye in a large space and can showcase furniture or commercial fittings to maximum effect. It has the look of polished concrete without the disruption and the price tag.

A seamless finish on floors and walls means that MicroCement can be easily mixed in with other decoration and materials and it looks really stunning when applied in combination with resin floor finishes.


MicroCement offers a really great alternative to tiling in a wet room or bathroom. It is very resistant to water and by using different types of patterning and texture on the finish, it is possible to create a tactile and really different finish from living room to kitchen and bathroom. Without the numerous joints and ridges of a tiled surface, cleaning and hygiene are so simply managed.

Easy to Maintain

Whatever type of MicroCement floor you opt for, it is so easy to keep clean making it the perfect choice for busy areas in either the home or a commercial premises where hygiene is premium and concrete flooring is the option of choice. It always looks good with the minimum of effort and is particularly resistant to scuffing, scratching and abrasion.

Durable & Scratch

MicroCement is also endlessly durable concrete look seamless flooring finish and its longevity represents great value for money.

Compatible with
Underfloor Heating

Micro cement topping is perfectly suitable to be applied on top of underfloor heating as well.

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